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Prevent lead poisoning WHO calls for ban on lead paint

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-10-24      Origin: Site

Source: Xinhuanet    October 24, 2019

From October 20th to 26th is \"\"Lead Poisoning Prevention International Action Week\"\", and this year's theme is \"\"Prohibition of Lead Paint\". The World Health Organization said in the content of Action Week that lead exposure may lead to intellectual disability in children, and an important source of lead exposure for children in the family is paint containing high concentrations of lead. Lead paint should be banned in all countries.

According to reports, the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paints was established in 2011 and coordinated by WHO and the United Nations Environment Program to promote the phasing out of the production and sale of lead paints and ultimately eliminate the risks posed by such paints. One of the specific goals is that by 2020 all countries should establish a regulatory framework to prohibit the production, import, export, distribution, sale, and use of lead paints and products coated with such paints.

However, the latest survey shows that as of July 31 of this year, only 72 of the 194 members of the WHO confirmed that they had developed legally binding control measures for lead paint. Therefore, there is still a huge gap in achieving the 2020 target set by the Global Alliance for the Elimination of Lead Paint.

Lead is a cumulative poison that affects multiple systems of the body, and is particularly harmful to young children. Children may be exposed to lead paint through toys, walls, door frames, and furniture. WHO has identified lead as one of the ten chemicals causing major public health concerns. The WHO says that there is no known safe lead exposure level and no known safe blood lead concentration, but lead poisoning is completely preventable

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