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From January to November 2019, tower coal production is about 2 million tons

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-12-19      Origin: Site

Source: Ministry of Commerce December 19, 2019

The Tajik news agency Dushanbe reported on December 16 that according to the Ministry of Industry and New Technology of Tajikistan, from January to November 2019, Tajik coal production is about 2 million tons. At present, there are 9 coal mining enterprises in Tajikistan, with a total coal output of 1.93 million tons and coal reserves of approximately 422,000 tons. Among them, the coal output of Feng-Yagnob Coal Mine accounted for 45.7% of the total output, Tajik Metallurgical Complex-19.6%, Talu-Resources Company-18.3%, Jiji Company-10.1%, and other companies-6.3%.

During the year, Tajikistan exported a total of 16,000 tons of coal, of which about 12,900 tons were exported to Pakistan and Uzbekistan-0.32 million tons.

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