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Leaders of Municipal Industry and Information Bureau and Science and Technology Bureau visited Havay Group

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-06-01      Origin: Site

The leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology came to investigate the technical upgrading project

On May 26, Guo Qingmin, a second-level investigator from the Industrial and Information Bureau of Tai'an City, visited GHW's Tai'an Havay Group Co., Ltd. and was accompanied by relevant responsible leaders of the Municipal Industrial and Information Bureau and Dawenkou Industrial Park.

Director Guo and his party first listened to Sun Guibin, chairman of the Havay Group, on the company's basic situation report, especially the investment in the technical reform and upgrading and technological innovation of the entire project and the continuous ongoing time. Over the years, Havay has adhered to the concept of technology and innovation as its core competitiveness, and has continued to increase investment in R&D funds, especially during the R&D challenge, resisting huge pressures, and overcoming many product technologies and breaking foreign monopolies.

The leaders and the team went deep into the site of the technical transformation project to learn more about the introduction of equipment and process improvements, and expressed recognition for Havay's continuous upgrading and improvement of the production process of existing products, especially in the construction of Hanwei Industrial Park for the upgrade work such as the extension of the industrial chain. Enterprises should insist on using technology to promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, and demand benefits from new technologies and new products. At the same time, they should actively help enterprises to interpret preferential policies and take advantage of the policies to truly promote their development.

Municipal Science and Technology Bureau visited the construction of research laboratory

Chen Shulin, deputy director of Tai'an Science and Technology Bureau, and his entourage visited Havay Group to investigate the construction of the laboratory, accompanied by major leaders from the Municipal Planning Department, Daiyue Science and Technology Bureau and Dawenkou Industrial Park.

Sun Guibin, chairman of Tai'an Havay Group, reported the company's development overview, laboratory construction and future plans. The Havay Group builds laboratories in accordance with the GLP standard. It is equipped with Agilent liquid chromatograph, Shimadzu gas chromatograph, Wantong ion chromatograph, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, atomic fluorescence photometer, and automatic moisture analyzer.

The leaders and the team went deep into the laboratory site to understand the construction of Hanwei Laboratory on the spot, affirm the scale and supporting facilities of the existing laboratory, and put forward expectations for the expansion plan of the future laboratory. The continuous improvement of the enterprise laboratory is a prerequisite for R&D and innovation, and an inexhaustible driving force for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

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