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City supervision team visited Havay for investigation

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-04-16      Origin: Site

On April 16, Tang Tao, the director of the Municipal Government Supervision Office, and his party visited Tai'an Havay Group Co., Ltd. to conduct on-site investigations on the key projects to be started in the spring of 2020. , District Government Research Office, District Development and Reform Bureau, District Statistics Bureau, District Key Project Office, Dawenkou Industrial Park and other relevant leaders accompanied.

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The supervision group and his party went deep into the construction site of the Havay Industrial Park project and conducted field research. The chairman of the Havay Group, Sun Guibin, briefly reported the project planning and construction progress to the leadership of the supervision group: Havay Group Industrial Park is a key biological and pharmaceutical project supported by Shandong , And was included in the list of the best projects in the provincial new and old kinetic energy conversion major project library in 2020. The first-phase project now under construction covers an area of 137 acres. It mainly builds product line production functional areas, management control functional areas, comprehensive supporting functional areas, environmental protection treatment functional areas, etc. The project production line products are new and technically strong; designed in accordance with petrochemical regulations 3. Layout, cooperate with domestic well-known chemical design institutes and colleges and universities, and adopt the current advanced production technology at home and abroad to achieve intrinsic safety, clean production, energy saving and consumption reduction. It will be an important extension and expansion of the group's nutrition, new materials and pharmaceutical & intermediates industry chain. It will greatly enrich Hanwei's product line, improve the company's core competitiveness of products, form a new advantage in the industry chain leading the industry, and realize Hanwei The Group's development philosophy of leading new products, leading technology and leading the market.

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Leaders and his party expressed their affirmation of the construction speed of Havay Group's new projects in special periods and encouraged enterprises to overcome the difficulties caused by the epidemicFast new project construction, strive to put into operation as soon as possible, generate benefits, and take back the delay time in the early stage;Pay attention to the needs of enterprises and enhance their confidence in stabilizing their economy and seeking development.

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